AloSIM eSIM Review 2025: Our complete (and honest) review.

Are you looking for a way to stay connected while traveling and wondering what all the hype is about with eSIMs? Here is our (very) honest AloSIM review.  

We’ve been on the road traveling fulltime for over five years now and believe me, we’ve seen our share of SIM card providers and mobile network offices.  

I still have grudges against that office in Kochi where I spent over two and half hours of my life attempting to set up a SIM card.  Or how about changing plans three times arriving at Taniger Med in Morocco and joining INWI, Orange and then INWI again?  

It likely is some sort of museum collector’s item now to see the little snaplock bag of expired physical SIM cards in our travel wallet.  (Borderline weird if they don’t actually work anymore. But what if we go back?). 

The introduction of eSIM’s has absolutely 100% transformed the travel life.  

The following is our review of aloSIM and an honest reflection on how, why and what using an aloSIM eSIM actually entails.   

And as a bit of golden disclosure before we launch into this, we used the aloSIM eSIM traveling in Europe by motorhome.  (And as a wee spoiler alert we drove to every single country in mainland Europe).  

I think that justifies a fair review of the AloSIM eSIM to give you all you need to know! 

What is an eSIM? And what makes it useful for travel? 

Albeit if it’s your first time going down the eSIM route you are likely wondering what exactly an eSIM is.   

It’s less complicated than it sounds. (And believe me it’s going to make your travel life easier). 

No doubt when you’ve travelled previously you’ve queued up somewhere to buy a SIM card at the airport on arrival to a new country.  

You buy the package; they take the pin and eject your original SIM card and swap it out for a new card from that country.  

Well, an eSIM works the same and connects you in a new country to the different mobile networks available.  But an eSIM is different because it’s not a physical item. 

Quite literally ‘eSIM’ stands for “Embedded SIM”.  It is both literally and technically the digital version of traditional plastic chipped SIM cards. 

With an eSIM it allows your device to connect to different networks (just like a traditional physical SIM card).  But because they are digital there is nothing to swap out or replace when you arrive in a new location.  

A new eSIM can be purchased, installed and activated on your device from anywhere.  You don’t need to visit a mobile store or shop. 

AloSIM review using an eSIM in Europe in Riga, Latvia.
Wonders of architecture found in Riga, Latvia with the wonders of new eSIM technology.

Who (or what) is AloSIM?

AloSIM is a Canada-based eSIM provider that offers online data plans to keep travellers connected to a mobile network.  

The AloSIM brand has quickly become one of the most popular eSIM providers offering country specific and regional plans that cover over 175 countries. 

The company emerged from AffinityClick’s experience in the internet messaging and mobile data sectors, with a history of successful ventures like the Hushed app, which provides temporary phone numbers

So, if you’re wondering about travel and like us, trying unceremoniously to figure out how to stay connected.  An eSIM like AloSIM is a great option. 

Getting started with AloSIM. How does it work? 

First things first for getting started with an eSIM is as simple as selecting the plan that best suits your needs and downloading the eSIM to your device.  

Next you need to install and activate your data package and check your original roaming settings to make sure you’re avoiding those charges. 

So, if it is not a physical SIM card how does it actually work? 

AloSIM is very easy to use.  

There are simple steps to install and activate your AloSIM eSIM: 

  • Step 1: Pick a destination and preferred data plan. 
  • Step 2: Create an account on AloSIM. 
  • Step 3: Complete the purchase of your AloSIM plan. 
  • Step 4: Click on eSIM card to find the QR code required to install the eSIM. 
  • Step 5: Scan the QR code and follow the on-screen prompts to install the eSIM. 
  • Step 6: Enable roaming. Data Roaming should be on for your eSIM, but off for your primary SIM to avoid roaming charges.

And that’s it!  AloSIM has detailed steps to help you install your eSIM.  (And admittedly it can be helpful to have those details if it is your first time using an eSIM). 

But don’t worry.  AloSIM explains everything about the installation and activation with clear details.  And to be honest aside from following the device prompts and activating ‘roaming’ there isn’t too much responsibility on your end.  

Coverage with AloSIM. Where does the AloSIM work? 

AloSIM offers data plans in over 175 countries. (That’s almost the whole world!). 

On the AloSIM eSIM shop you will find: 

  • Local eSIMs
  • Regional eSIMs

Regional plans include Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, Scandinavia, South America and more.  

See all the options for local and regional eSIMs on the AloSIM website here

Driving the roads in Albania using AloSIM eSIM review.
The roads might be remote in northern Albania but we are still online and connected.

Costs. Is it worth it to use an eSIM? 

I love this question.  And with a flashback to my now-aging collection of physical SIM cards and the hours spent sorting SIMs in a new country after hours of travel and battling all those backpackers’ challenges.  

I can confirm the value and worthiness of an eSIM with confidence!

Roaming charges of a home mobile provider can be seriously exorbitant.  And if you’re traveling fulltime, you might not even remember who and where and what your original provider was.  So, roaming becomes less of an option anyway.  

And if you are traveling fulltime to multiple countries or driving overland in Europe by motorhome like us then purchasing a new SIM card in every country is not practical.  And certainly not economical.  

An eSIM offers a range of packages and plans that you can choose to suit your specific needs.  And you can easily top it up (easily; using an App) if you decide you need more data. 

Costs. How much does it cost to use an AloSIM eSIM in a different country?

There are a wide range of AloSIM plans and packages that will suit every traveler.  

Choosing data for a country specific plan ranges in price depending on the cost of network connections in the country.  

We used AloSIM in Europe on a country specific plan (France) and a regional plan (Europe). 

Below are some of the AloSIM country specific prices and packages available. 


There are 6 country specific packages available for AloSIM in France: 

  • 1GB / $4.50 / Valid for 7 days 
  • 2 GB / $7.50 / Valid for 15 days
  • 3 BG / $10.00 / Valid for 30 days 
  • 5 GB / $14.00 / Valid for 30 days
  • 10 GB / $23.00 / Valid for 30 days
  • 20 GB / $36.00 / Valid for 30 days
Travel in France with eSIM.
There are 6 different plans available for travel in France.


There are 6 country-specific packages available for AloSIM in United Kingdom (UK): 

  • 1 GB / $5.00 / Valid for 7 days 
  • 2 GB / $7.50 / Valid for 15 days
  • 3 GB / $10.00 / Valid for 30 days 
  • 5 GB / $15.00 / Valid for 30 days
  • 10 GB / $22.50 / Valid for 30 days 
  • 20 GB / $36.00 / Valid for 30 days 
There are 6 plans for the United Kingdom and Ireland.


There are 6 Packages available for AloSIM in Romania: 

  • 1GB / $4.50 / Valid for 7 days 
  • 2 GB / $7.00 / Valid for 15 days
  • 3 BG / $10.00 / Valid for 30 days 
  • 5 GB / $13.00 / Valid for 30 days
  • 10 GB / $21.00 / Valid for 30 days
  • 20 GB / $32.00 / Valid for 30 days
Things to do in Bucharest, Romania.
Thank goodness for the internet for finding the best things to do in Bucharest, Romania.

And there are loads more countries to choose from. (Don’t forget that AloSIM offers plans in over 175 countries!).  

See all the country plans available with AloSIM here

Costs. What are the regional AloSIM eSIM plans like? 

If you are planning to travel to multiple destinations within a close region you could pick a regional eSIM plan instead of one that’s country-specific. 

AloSIM review of eSIM.

AloSIM Europe eSIM

AloSIM offers plans for several specific regions of Europe. The ‘Europe’ plan offers coverage in 32 countries and has 7 plan options.

How to stay connected with internet traveling in Europe by motorhome? AloSIM eSIM review.
Options for the Europe AloSIM plans.

AloSIM Eastern Europe eSIM

The AloSIM plan for Eastern Europe works in 11 countries. 

There are four plan options for the Eastern Europe package.

Eastern Europe plan with AloSIM.
Options for the Eastern Europe AloSIM plans.

AloSIM Western Europe eSIM 

The Western Europe AloSIM eSIM works in four countries: France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. 

Western Europe regional package options for a plan for eSIM with AloSIM.
Options for Western Europe plans with AloSIM.

AloSIM UK and Ireland eSIM 

AloSIM has a regional eSIM for the United Kingdom and Ireland.  

The packages for the UK and Ireland eSIM offer plans that are valid for between 7 and 30 days. 

Regional plans for eSIM for UK, Ireland and Scotland.
Options for UK and Ireland plans with AloSIM.

Pros and Cons of an eSIM (and especially the AloSIM eSIM) 

Weighing up the advnagtages and disadvantages for any tools of travel is key to a successful nomadic journey (or lifestyle!). 

Pros – 

  • Excellent coverage with options for plans in 175 countries
  • No hidden costs.  Prices are disclosed with purchase of the plans
  • Easy set up and installation (truly)
  • No need for physical SIM card swaps (and queuing)
  • Great customer support 

Cons – 

  • Limited regional plans in some areas
  • Requires eSIM compatible and unlocked device. Check here.
  • Can be pricier than a physical local SIM card

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of an eSIM it offers substantial benefits to travellers.  

The pros definitely outweigh the cons with regards to eSIM versus changing to a(nother) physical SIM!

Will I have a phone number with the aloSIM eSIM? 

Ahh. This is a valid question and sadly for the case with most eSIMs the answer is no.  

Although eSIMs offer a valid prepaid data package most do not come with a phone number.  

However, some AloSIM data packages with a FREE international phone number from Hushed (the sister app to AloSIM) that can call or text anywhere in the world.  

And even if the aloSIM package you choose is a data only eSIM and doesn’t come with its own phone number, there are ways to make and receive phone calls and send and receive messages.  

We found that unlike much of Asia and Middle East where WhatsApp is king.  In the Balkans and much of Eastern Europe it was Viber that seemed the most common communication App. 

Berlin transport.
Connected in Berlin for the best transport, food and sights to see.

Our personal review of AloSIM. What is it really like using AloSIM to keep connected? 

If you’ve been around for a while you know that we have been traveling the world fulltime for more than five now. (You can read that story here).  

But for the last two years we have been traveling around Europe and North Africa (Morocco and Mauritania) in our motorhome.  And without doubt one of our biggest questions (headaches) in planning to buy a motorhome in Europe as non-European citizens was about how to stay connected and how to get internet connection in Europe. 

We tested the AloSIM during our travels by motorhome in Europe.  

Overall, the AloSIM eSIM was a very positive experience.  And it ultimately answered our biggest question as to how to get internet while traveling across different countries in Europe. 

For us the regional Western and Eastern Europe plans were brilliant.  (Did I mention we have just driven to every single country in mainland Europe?!). 

We loved the hassle-free connectivity with the eSIM that meant we could instantly check maps and get directions as soon as we crossed a border in Europe.  

It really is an incredible set-up. And there is no doubt it has totally transformed what would otherwise be a laboursome and time-consuming alternative of arriving in a new country and purchasing a physical SIM on every crossing.  (Imagine that!). 

Our personal review of AloSIM. Purchasing an eSIM (remotely). 

The AloSIM website is clear and easy to navigate to choose and purchase a data plan.  

There are options for payment of the eSIM by: 

  • Credit card
  • Vouchers/credit

As soon as the transaction is complete you can install your data plan immediately.  

You will receive an email from AloSIM with three clearly detailed steps to install your eSIM. 

Our personal review of AloSIM.  Connection and internet speed. 

We got 5G internet connection as soon as the eSIM was installed and activated.  

At that time, we were in Spain and the connection was instant and brilliant.  

We continued our travels heading west across Europe and found the connection with AloSIM to be fast and reliable in the listed countries for the Europe package. 

AloSIM Promo Code

Want to try AloSIM for yourself? 

  • Get 10% off your AloSIM purchase with our discount code: AWTSTEINERS

The verdict? Would we recommend AloSIM as an eSIM for travel? 

Overall, we had a great experience with AloSIM in Europe and found it easy to use and with great, fast internet connection in mainland Europe. We would happily recommend AloSIM as a convenient and easy to use eSIM.  

We appreciated the regional Europe eSIM and as digital nomads and fulltime travelers it was a great way to stay connected without hassle. in multiple destinations. 

Hopefully our AloSIM review has helped you to decide whether AloSIM is the right eSIM for your adventures? 

Useful links for your travels in Europe and beyond…

These are the companies we use while traveling fulltime as a family and that we would recommend to anyone planning and booking travel. 

  • – The best all-around accommodation booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation and it’s easy to filter and sort into price and availability with all the extras you are looking for personally. 
  • Skyscanner – This is by far our favourite flight search engine. They are able to search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites often miss. We book all our flights through Skyscanner.  
  • GetYourGuide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions offered all around the world including everything from walking tours, to street-food tours, cooking classes, desert safari’s and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable insurance plans that can be tailored to digital nomads and long-term travellers. They have cheap weekly and monthly plans that are possible to book even when you have already left home.
  • World Nomads – Travel insurance tailored for longterm travel and nomads (including those who have already left home). 

Read more about travel in Europe.

Oscar, Sarah, Harry and Gavin
Hi! We are the Steiners. We're a family from New Zealand with a love of travel and adventure - especially where it takes us off the beaten track! We've been travelling full-time for over six years now all around the world and our favourite thing is to share that joy of adventure.

This site is our way of paying it forward with all the tips and tricks we have learnt along the way. 
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Wow. This is a wonderful article, Sarah. It is truly amazing the research and detail that you put in. Traveller's will learn so much from this realistic appraisal of your travels through India. Thank you!
Thank you for such a detailed review of the border crossing. I had the blog post open during our entire journey across the border!
Thanks for the information! We really enjoyed the hammam in Tafraoute and your guide was really helpful.
What a wonderful post and exactly what I wanted to know before my visit to Amritsar next week. Thank you so much!
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